Because, guess what folks? It’s GOING to happen. It’s just a matter of time.
“Steve, how do I be proactive in the event of the zombie invasion?”, you might have asked yourself one day. Well, worry not my friends! Follow these instructions and you can make sure to survive just long enough until the zombies run out of food. Then it will be your job to re-populate the earth, never forgetting the valuable lesson of zombidom.
Step One – Survive the initial panic!
“The zombies are here! Holy Shit, run!” might be your first response when you hear that the zombipocolypse has occurred. Remember, though: DON’T PANIC. It’s important to have the following emergency kit with you at all times. In your car, in your house, and at work. Don’t let other people know about it, though… Once the Zombie apocalypse hits, they’ll try to take it from you.
1) 12 gauge shotgun with at least 25 rounds – Remember to aim for the head… zombies can’t stand that
2) Chainmail head and neck guard - Everyone knows Zombies go for the neck
3) One gallon jug of Gatorade – At the Gatorade institute, they came to the conclusion that people lose tons of valuable electrolytes when fighting their way through hordes of zombies. Don’t let dehydration beat you, stay in the fight!
4) An Axe – Because you’re bound to run out of ammo at the exact wrong moment.
5) A gallon jug of gasoline – Important for step four!
6) A lighter and a pack of smokes – No one wants a nic-fit in the middle of a city infested with zombies. Make sure not to mix with number five… Flaming zombies may sound cool, but they won’t be when they’re grabbing at your clothing.
7) Kevlar undergarments –Keeps away nasty zombie bites. No one likes those.
8) Sunglasses – Because blasting zombies with a 12-gauge, pump action shotgun looks cool… But doing it sunglasses looks bad ass.
Step Two – Form a band of survivors
Now that the zombies have hit, you’ll have to form a band of survivors. This won’t include your best friend, unfortunately, as you’ve probably had to blast him in a heart-wretching moment when he started to turn to a zombie. If only he had listened and had his own kit…Instead of panicing and getting bitten like the rest of the worlds unprepared douches. Oh well, keep reading. Be sure to include an equal mix of males and females in your party, including lovable stereotypes and one off-balanced ultra-badass… Since you have the kit, you’ll be the natural choice for leader, which means that you get the girl in the end. Hurray for repopulating the earth, eh!? Make sure to keep your band of survivors to around ten, or it’ll be too cumbersome to try and evacuate with all of them. Also, keep a close eye on the off-balance, ultra-badass guy. Chances are, he’s probably been bitten by now and is just hiding it from you. Keep him around for now though, because he’ll help kill zombies until step four. Chances are you’ve run out of ammo at this point, and have moved on to axing beeyotches… Keep the shotgun, though, as we’ve included a step to restocking your ammo.
Step Three – Avoid black people in your band of survivors
I know what I said earlier about mixing an equal amount of females and minorities in your band o’ normies, but let us be honest with ourselves. We’ve all seen horror flicks, and the black people are doomed from the start. Don’t give them false hope, just mumble something like, “Sorry guys, the band of survivors is full, we’ll come back for you later.” And walk briskly away. It doesn’t make you racist if you’re just following the manual.
Step Four – Get out of the city
Remember that gallon of gasoline? Now’s the time to use it! Your first instinct may be to jump in the most expensive car you see and go tearing through the city, playing zombie bowling. IGNORE THIS INSTINCT. You’re bound to get in an accident and be at the mercy of a local zombie horde. Instead, you want to go for a mini-van. This is so you can fit the rest of your survivors in there, as well as more zombie-flatting power once you start moving. Avoid the windows, as zombies have been known to punch through glass, and make sure to kick out anyone who’s been bitten in your band by this point. I know the ultra-badass guy might be intimidating, but if you’re wearing your sunglasses at this point, it’ll be alright… Just hit him with the axe when he’s not paying attention, or better yet, drive away while he’s still battling the zombies. When everyone bitches and moans about it, look at them and say, “He was already gone. I did him a favor”. Suddenly, and without warning, you will have become the new badass. Take a moment to let this sink in before moving to the next step.
Step Five – Find the nearest Mom and Pop grocery store
Mom and Pop stores are very rural, so chances are you’ll only meet a few zombies in the area. Hit them with your axe, and help yourself to Mom and Pops groceries. Make sure you restock your Gatorade and shotgun shell supplies, because you’re not safe yet. You’ll probably also find a scared child hiding in the wreckage of the small town… Take them in only after a full body search for bites and scratches (If any bites exist, use the axe liberally on their forehead. Remember, you’re the badass now). You may be tempted to get some of Mom and Pops liquor…. This is a good idea. Grab me some, too?
Step Six – Find a farm. Wait it out.
If there’s a family already hiding in your farmhouse, bring them gifts of liquor and Gatorade… Chances are, they need a drink by now! Give a second go-through your band of survivors, making sure that no one has been bitten or scratched (If you’re bitten or scratch, don’t tell anyone…. They’ll axe you), and enjoy a rural, safe life in the middle of nowhere. It will probably take about a year or so for the zombie invasion to run its course through the entire globe, and for all those zombies to die of starvation (Lucky for us, they don’t know where you are), so make sure you plant some crops in the fields. You can also go ahead of reep your rewards with the girl, as you’ve successfully saved her from certain doom, and she’s probably sweating you pretty hard right about now.
So now you know how to survive the impending zombie apocalypse. Remember these six easy steps, and you too can be repopulating the earth in no time.
Just stay away from my kit, or you’ll get a shotgun blast to the face.