Tuesday, May 31, 2005


A 4th grader in Edmonton, VA told his Mom that he was able to access porn on the internet at school despite blockers being used on the school's computer. ---- The mother then notified the principal and new measures are in place so that students cannot access pornography on school computers.

I bet this kid has a lot of friends.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Sex Makes Women Run Faster

German coach claims that women sprinters who have sex before competitions generally perform better.

“With women, it’s not true that sex before competitions has negative effects. On the contrary, we have scientific evidence that women who have sex shortly before competing run better. It boosts performance,” Uwe Hakus told Germany’s Fit for Fun magazine.

Full article click here .

Attention all female university athletes: I am available for prematch warm-ups.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

We Are All Mind Readers

We are all mind readers.... or at least girls assume that guys are able to read minds.

Empathy allows us to feel the emotions of others, to identify and understand their feelings and motives and see things from their perspective. How we generate empathy remains a subject of intense debate in cognitive science. Some scientists now believe they may have finally discovered its root. We're all essentially mind readers, they say. The idea has been slow to gain acceptance, but evidence is mounting.

Despite this, I am still unable to understand anything girls say or do.

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